Dragonfly Guild Pottery
Pottery by Judy Anderson
My name is Judy Anderson. I am fortunate to have studied under our beloved National Treasure: country pottery Warren MacKenzie, at the University of Minnesota. For decades, I resided in Minneapolis, MN. It is a wildly vibrant Art Town, both producing and attracting to the area some of the most incredible potters whose work is so inspiring. Potters are such generous folks; I owe a lot to people who give their knowledge away like it was fresh-baked bread.I now live in quiet western Wisconsin. My husband Rob and I own a gallery and gift shop across the river from home in Wabasha, MN. We love the slower pace and the lovely people. It is situated in the gorgeous Driftless region and we enjoy being a block from the Mighty Mississippi River. Visit Local World Gallery when you are in the area.
Dragonfly brings me good luck. His appearance indicates that things will progress smoothly. Each encounter is a blessing and a nod from the Universe. As I learn about Dragonfly, I am taken by the complex and profoundly ingenious engineering of the wings. And each wing is like a work of stained glass perfection.
He frequently shows up in my work.
I flit a lot, myself, in terms of exploration. I enjoy trying new surface decoration techniques. I have explored texture and piercing, underglaze colors and glaze layering. I am still learning and I hope I always will be. I do mostly "Sgraffito" work now. Sgraffito is an Italian word that means "scratched". The clay surface is coated with a contrasting colored liquid-y clay called "slip". when the slip has dried to just the right stage, I sketch my design on the surface. The image is created by removing the slip with tiny metal loop tools. Sometimes I add a touch of underglaze color for "pop" of color. I am partial to Minnesota wildlife and my pottery shows it.
I enjoy teaching Beginning Pottery classes and I hope my instruction inspires more people to pursue clay arts!
All of my work is food-safe, microwave- and dishwasher- safe, but I recommend hand-washing. I use no lead glazes. It has all been fired to temperatures between 2232 and 2381 degrees F. If you want to use it in an oven, place a cold pot in a cold oven and then bring it to temperature. Never place pottery on a heat source, such as a stove-top burner.
This page is more of an archive; my Instagram page shows works in progress and what is going on currently.
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